Our personal training team is led by exercise physiologists who have a minimum of 4 years tertiary education in the field of exercise science.

If your idea of a personal trainer is someone barking at you to do ten more pushups or pushing you to the brink of exhaustion, think again. Our personal training Melbourne is led by exercise physiologists who have a minimum of 4 years tertiary education in the field of exercise science. Our trainers are focused on getting you to your health and wellness goals through safe and fun exercise.3


3 PERSONAL TRAINING SESSIONS = $99  [maxbutton id=”32″ text=”BUY NOW” url=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/main_shop.asp?stype=41&pMode=4&reSchedule=&origId=&recType=&recNum=”]


personal training melbourne

Learn the basics of lifting weights


You can learn how to lift weights in a private and non-intimidating environment one on one with your personal trainer. They can help you with your technique and ensure that you are doing the exercises safely and correctly for maximum benefits. Increase your strength and start today!


Tired of running on the treadmill?


Make your workout Fun by diversifying your exercise options. A personal trainer can mix up a variety of exercises combining cardio, body weight and resistance training to help you get fit and strong. You no longer have to make a date with a gym equipment. Let your personal trainer provide you with on the spot motivation and encouragement.



Make training a habit


The best way to achieve results is to be consistent. The best way to be consistent is to have somebody to be accountable to. Forget signing up to a gym membership where you need to rely on yourself to get there. Make an appointment with a personal trainer at our studio and you will be less likely to miss your workouts.


personal training with kettle bell


Know what is right


Not sure if cardio or weights are better for you? Let your personal trainer do the thinking. They can help you plan your workouts to best suit your goals and needs. Don’t waste time trying different exercise equipment at the gym, let an exercise professional help you get the best results in the least amount of time.


Hear from one of our Melbourne yoga and pilates clients about how personal training has helped them – [maxbutton id=”25″ text=”Read Testimonials” ]


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